A devastating house expIosion in Defiance, Missouri, on a snowy Friday morning took the lives of two young brothers, four-year-old Julian Keiser and six-year-old Jamison Keiser. The boys were home due to school closures caused by the weather.
The explosion destroyed the front of the house, and despite quick action by firefighters, the boys could not be rescued. Their mother and grandparents escaped with minor injuries.Officials are investigating a potential gas leak as the cause. The community has rallied around the family, creating a memorial and organizing fundraisers for support. A GoFundMe page has been set up to assist with funeral expenses.Julian and Jamison were remembered as lively and close-knit brothers, beloved by their community. A candlelight vigil and other efforts are being held to honor their memory, as the town of Defiance comes together to support the grieving family.