Lee Rawlinson, a 51-year-old marathon runner and father of two, was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer after initially dismissing minor abdominal pain as stress. Despite delays in diagnosis and a prognosis of only months to live, Lee is raising awareness about the importance of recognizing early symptoms and seeking prompt medical attention,
Lee’s pain, which began as a dull ache in January, worsened by September, leading to a diagnosis after a CT scan revealed cancer that had spread to his liver. He now emphasizes acting on persistent symptoms and learning family medical history, as his grandfather also had pancreatic can,cer.Determined to create lasting memories, Lee has focused on cherishing moments with his wife and children, including a surprise trip to Lapland. He advocates for early detection, research, and improved survival rates for pancreatic cancer, urging others to take even small symptoms seriously to potentially save lives.