CBS weather reporter fired after Elon Musk ‘Nazi salute’ comments

A Milwaukee weather presenter reportedly lost their job shortly after posting critical comments about Elon Musk on social media.The post referenced Musk’s actions at a recent public…

3.8 Magnitude Earthquake Felt in Boston & Areas in Maine — Details

Nearby areas affected included York Harbor, York Beach, and Wells Beach Station in Maine, as well as Portsmouth and Concord in New Hampshire, according to the USGS., The…

Prayers for Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler

Unfortunately, due to unexpected medical issues, lead singer, Steven Tyler, is seeking immediate care and has been advised by his doctors that he cannot travel or perform…

If You Think That 120/80 Is..

Recent guidelines suggest that normal blood pressure is now considered up to 140/90 mm Hg, with a maximum of 130/80 mm Hg for older adults or those with diabetes, Blood…

Melania Trump reveals where Barron will be allowed to live as dad moves into White House for second time

Melania Trump has shared details about her and 18-year-old Barron’s living arrangements following Donald Trump’s second inauguration. The First Lady revealed they will split their time between…

Seeing a Wire Tied Around a Car Door Handle: What It Could Mean

Colon cancer can cause stool changes like blood, loose stools, narrow “pencil” stools, or increased frequency. Other symptoms include abdominal pain, fatigue, and a feeling of incomplete…

Seeing a Wire Tied Around a Car Door Handle: What It Could Mean

Colon cancer can cause stool changes like blood, loose stools, narrow “pencil” stools, or increased frequency. Other symptoms include abdominal pain, fatigue, and a feeling of incomplete…

Seeing a Wire Tied Around a Car Door Handle: What It Could Mean

Colon cancer can cause stool changes like blood, loose stools, narrow “pencil” stools, or increased frequency. Other symptoms include abdominal pain, fatigue, and a feeling of incomplete…

Poop and Colon Cancer: Warning Signs To Look For And When To Seek For Help

Colon cancer may cause changes in stool, such as blood, narrow “pencil” stools, rectal bleeding, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain. In advanced stages, symptoms can worsen, including…

Poop and Colon Cancer: Warning Signs To Look For And When To Seek For Help

Colon cancer may cause changes in stool, such as blood, narrow “pencil” stools, rectal bleeding, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain. In advanced stages, symptoms can worsen, including…